The President of Universidad Afroamericana de África Central AAUCA, Paulo Speller, will visit the UOC next week. This university in Equatorial Guinea have shown interest in the organization of the UOC's libraries with the incorporation of virtual and digital collections. At the moment, they are interested in exploring the possibilities of cooperation between the general library and the sectorial libraries of the AAUCA, which combine physical and virtual collections.
The recently appointed President of the AUCCA will be visting the UOC accompanied of the General Director of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education of Equatorial Guinea, Pergentino Esangui, and the academic director of the AAUCA, Florentina Sierra. The Vice President for Globalisation and Cooperation of the UOC, Dr. Pastora Martínez Samper, and the director of the Area Globaalisation and Cooperació of the UOC, Gemma Xarles, will celebrate a meeting with them.
At the meeting, they will discuss possible cooperation for the implementation of a Virtual/Digital Library in AAUCA, "an issue in which the UOC has extensive experience and international recognition", according to President Speller.
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Universitat Oberta de Catalunya