J-WEL Week

Dr Marta Aymerich, Vice President for Strategic Planning and Research, and Dr. Àngels Fitó, Vice President for Competitiveness and Employability, will be participating in J-WEL Week, which is being held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston from 24 to 27 October. They will give the conference Advancing Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's Research Ecosystem. 


Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) seeks to promote excellence and transformation in education worldwide. As described on its website, "an incubator for change in education at MIT and around the world, J-WEL provides a platform that engages educators, technologists, policymakers, and societal leaders in addressing global opportunities for education through online and in-person collaborations, workshops, and information sharing events."





24/10/2022 - 27/10/2022