Ainamar Clariana, a research assistant on the "Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959" ERC StG project and predoctoral researcher with the IN3 Global Literary Studies Research Lab (GlobaLS), will be taking part in the Annual Conference of the History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception (HoMER) network, organized by Maynooth University to be held from 24 to 28 May.
She will give a talk titled "Film and feminist network in the thirties through María Luz Morales' work" as part of the New Historiographies: The Role of Women panel on 28 May from 3 to 3.45 p.m.
Check the conference programme here.
28/05/2021 15.00h
Organized by
Maynooth University