Presentation of the ERC StGMapModern (GlobaLS) project at the European Cinema Audiences seminar

Diana Roig Sanz (coordinator), Laura Fólica (postdoctoral researcher), Ventsislav Ikoff (postdoctoral researcher), Elisabet Carbó Catalan (predoctoral researcher), Ainamar Clariana (predoctoral researcher), Pablo Suárez-Mansilla (predoctoral researcher), Aurea Mota de Araujo (postdoctoral researcher) and Marc Moreno Galimany (research assistant), members of the ERC StG project "Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959" (MapModern) and researchers with the IN3's Global Literary Studies (GlobaLS) group, will be at the European Cinema Audiences seminar on Monday 15 February.

They will be at the online seminar to present the ERC-MapModern project, coordinated by GlobalLS and European Cinema Audiences, which is organized by the Oxford Brookes University. The seminar aims to promote collaborative research by bringing together projects and institutions.





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Oxford Brookes University