LAB Metadecidim 10. Decidim.viz: Visualization of data for democratic participation

The CN&SC research group of the IN3, together with Ajuntament de Barcelona, is glad to invite you to a new session of the LAB Metadecidim entitled "Decidim.viz.: Visualization of data for democratic participation".

LAB Metadecidim is an open and collaborative research space which includes monthly sessions aimed at local, national and international experts to address urgent issues challenging the Decidim project and networked democracy more broadly.


Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats
Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 3rd floor
08030 Barcelona


15/03/2018 10.00h

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona and the CN&SC research group of the IN3 (Technopolitics)


Any civic platform should present its information for different reasons: provide relevant information to the participants, facilitate decision-making in complex matters, to ensure the accountability about the decisions adopted, guarantee transparency, etc.

The goal of this tenth session is to review, propose and discuss the best strategies and free technologies when viewing the Decidim data repository in order to improve democratic participation.

Some of the questions are:

  • - What opportunities does data visualization offer in the context of citizen participation and radical democracy?
  • - What data from the Decidim ontology should be presented using visualization tools?
  • - How can data visualization be used to empower the citizen?
  • - What are the risks of data visualization in Decidim considering that it is required to preserve citizens’ sensitive information?
  • - What are the recommended strategies to optimize data visualization and respect participants’ privacy?
  • - Is there a balance between offering static and descriptive visualizations (reporting) and offering interactive and exploratory visualizations (dashboards)?
  • - What free data visualization technologies are the most appropriate considering Decidim’s open license?
  • - Given the participatory nature of the Metadecidim community, what collaborative methodologies exist for data visualization?

It has been considered strategic to hold a work session about the visualization of data because advanced features for data visualization are going to be incorporated in Decidim, and because the specification of the ontology of the platform is being completed.

Programme and registration.

We hope to see you there!

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Please, register here.