The "GENTALENT Conference: Incorporating, Maintaining and Promoting Women Within the ICT Business Sector" will be held at the University of Barcelona, Department of Economics and Business, Graus Hall, on 27 October 2017, from 10 am to 5:30 pm.
The conference is part of the GENTALENT project funded by the Recercaixa 2014 call and directed by Dr. Ana M. González Ramos (IN3, UOC) and Dr. Elisabet Almeda Samaranch (COPOLIS, UB). At the conference, the main results of the project will be presented and discussed, as well as the situation of women in the technological sector and challenges and possibilities for the future. Experts from different fields will participate: associations and networks of women and technology, technology companies, recruitment companies, universities, as well as other organizations in the technological field.
University of Barcelona, Department of Economics and Business, Graus Hall
Av. Diagonal, 690-696
08034 Barcelona
27/10/2017 10.00h
Organized by
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, COPOLIS, University of Barcelona, IN3 and Recercaixa

The conference features 3 roundtables:
- The situation of women in the technology sector
- Networked women and technologies
- Women's access to technological occupations: challenges for the future
In addition, in parallel, we will have the exhibition "(In)visible Ingenuity. Catalan Women in the Field of Technology: Past, Present and Future" and we can also enjoy a video installation by Donestech. More information can be found in the programme.
Finally, we also recommend you to watch the video GENTALENT. Dones d’avui creant tecnologies de futur.
In collaboration with:
Observatori de les Dones, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, AMIT-CAT, COETIC (Col·legi d’Enginyeries Tècniques i Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica de Catalunya), COITT (Col·legi d’Enginyers Tècnics i Pèrits de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya), Donestech, LaT.