EThe cycle will be completed by a workshop on 27 October -from 4 pm to 8 pm, also at the Sala Beckett- to contribute content in the field of neurosciences to Wikipedia: A Wikimarathon. Researchers and volunteers with the association Amical Wikimedia will focus for the day on creating new entries and improving existing ones in this free encyclopaedia. If you work in any field related to neuroscience -whether you are part of the UOC or not- and you would like to take part, you need to register here.
The UOC is co-organizing a series of multidisciplinary talks to bring people into closer contact with science
The Conditions of the Brain series involves three talks and a workshop to improve the contents on Wikipedia to do with the brain. The first session will take place on 19 October, at 7 pm, at Sala Beckett theatre in Barcelona.
Sala Beckett
Carrer de Pere IV, 228-232
27/10/2017 16.00h
Organized by
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya