PROCOMUNS 2017: Forum for the cocreation of public policies

Procomuns is a forum for the cocreation of public policies for a commons-oriented collaborative economy. Collaborative policies for collaborative economy. A space for the codesign and development of proposals, and public-commons solutions for a commons collaborative economy.

The collaborative economy based on digital platforms is growing exponentially, creating challenges and opportunities. It has turned into a top priority for the political agenda around the world, and the involvement of citizenship is key, as well as the differentiation of models and to impulse of the commons model and platform cooperativism as an opportunity to democratize economy at a large scale.


Barcelona Activa
c/ Llacuna, 162-164
08018 Barcelona


27/06/2017 - 28/06/2017

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona Activa - Ajuntament de Barcelona, BarCola and Dimmons research group of the IN3



This year 2017 is the year of the regulations of the collaborative economy: we will discuss with representatives of the European Parliament, the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council about which policies could support the commons, and we will define guidelines for cities. We will reflect with Yochai Benkler, expert in digital commons, on the deep transformations underway, as well as define strategies of passing from an oligarchical economy to open social economy. We will present resources for entrepreneurship, economic models and technologies for the scalability of initiatives, and co-design solutions for city challenges, regarding housing, care, precarity and exclusion.

27 & 28 of June (Tuesday and Wednesday) in Barcelona Activa (c/ Llacuna 162-164) from 9am to 7pm every day, and final party at 28th (7:30pm) at La T (Media-TIC building, Roc Boronat 127, 8th floor). Registration is open and free. There will be translation and videostreaming from the web.

Check the program here:

Join us and participate in the cocreation of actions for the commons in Barcelona!

Procomuns Team 2017