Awards for outstanding track record

Throughout its history, the UOC has received awards and accolades in recognition of its achievements and quality, its innovation and the excellence of its e-learning model.

Honour prize in the 1st. edition of Gabriel Ferraté Pascual Business Innovation Awards
2025 - Prize of honour "Gabriel Ferraté Pascual Business Innovation Awards"

Reus City Council, in the first edition of its Gabriel Ferraté Pascual Business Innovation Awards, gave the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya the prize of honour. These awards, Organized by the City Council's Department of Economic Promotion, Innovation and Knowledge, seek to highlight outstanding contributions in the field of business innovation by companies and organizations in Reus and the Baix Camp region.


Vodafone Journalism Awards
2015 - Vodafone Journalism Awards

The UOC received the Special Professional Career Prize at the 15th Vodafone Journalism Awards organized by the Vodafone Spain Foundation. The award comes in recognition of the UOC's work as the first online university, designed from the start with an educational model that was 100% online. The jury praised in particular two of the most important areas of research and activity at the University: the information and knowledge society, and e‑learning.

2011 - GSMA Case Study

The GSMA has published a case study on iUOC, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) project that has studied the potential offered by mobile devices to aid learning, and the iPad in particular. Bringing together over 800 mobile operators from 219 countries worldwide, the GSMA association is the world benchmark in mobile telephony and is responsible for organising the Mobile Congress, the leading mobile telephony trade fair, held every year in Barcelona. The case study is recognition of the UOC as a pioneering university in the use of mobile technology for higher education.

Logo Gartner
2011 - Case Study Gartner

Gartner, a world-leading information technology research and consultancy firm, has published a study of the success of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC). This analysis of the UOC by Gartner highlights the technological evolution it has led in the field of learning, validating and stressing the value of the work that the University has undertaken since its foundation in 1995.

Government of Catalonia Logo
2005 - Quality and Technological Innovation Award

The UOC received the Quality and Technological Innovation Award from the Government of Catalonia's Centre for Business Development and Innovation. It comes in recognition of the UOC's history of innovating its educational and institutional model, and its contribution to the development of the knowledge society. 

Logo National Telecommunications award
2005 - Generalitat de Catalunya National Telecommunications award

With this award, the Generalitat de Catalunya recognised the success of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in putting telecommunications in the service of higher education, allowing universal access to college. Logo
2005 - Favourites Award

The UOC won in the award's best education website category. The award highlights the best practices of companies and institutions making the most of the innovative features offered by new technology. 

AUI Logo
2003 - Spanish Internet Users' Association Award

The UOC was named the Spanish company that best integrated the internet into its strategic development by the Spanish Internet Users' Association. The association's awards are given to companies and individuals whose activities and projects have contributed to the development of the information society.

2000 - WITSA Award

The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), which brings together information technology and service business consortia from some forty countries around the world, awarded the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) the Digital Opportunity Award for the world's best digital initiative. The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) was proposed by the Spanish Association of Information Technology Businesses (SEDISI), the Spanish member of WITSA.

Logo Award Salvà i Campillo
1996 - "Salvà i Campillo" award 1996

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) won in 1996 the "Salvà i Campillo" award to the most innovative project for his Virtual Campus development on Infovía. This award, given by the Catalan Association of Telecommunication Engineers (ACET), was instituted to recognize projects undertaken by teams of telecommunication professionals.