Contact the Office of Communications
The UOC's Office of Communications' mission is to raise the university's profile among the university community and society as a whole – as well as the services it offers and the institutional, academic and research activities it develops.

Contact our journalists
The UOC's media office provides journalists and communication professionals with a wide variety of resources and services.
Get in touch via or WhatsApp, or reach out to one of the members of the team.
Office of Communications
- Director of Communications: Ester Medico.
- Community and Internal Communication director: Arnau Cillero.
- Content director: Maria Subarroca.
- Corporate Image and Reputation director: Núria Masdéu.
- Digital Strategy director: Miquel Pellicer.
- Organization and Services director: Yolanda Franco.
- Audiovisuals: Fede Alborch, Xènia Duch and Ramon Martínez.
- Corporate Identity and Communication: Xènia Bastida, Elisenda Soriguera, Elena Vila and Carme Caralt.
- Data Analysis: Jordi Cinca.
- Engagement and Active Listening: Gina de Tera.
- Faculty Communications: Cristina Fort (coord.), Cristina Morral, Helena Prieto and Alba Pueyo.
- Internal Communication: Susana Calvo, Joan Ramon Armadàs and Sílvia Torrequebrada.
- Media Office: Leyre Artiz (coord.), Núria Bigas, Anna Sánchez-Juárez and Anna Torres.
- Research and Knowledge Transfer Communication: Sònia Armengou (coord.), Marta Bernabeu, Anna Civit and Rubén Permuy.
- Social Media: Mercè Guillén (coord.) and Elvira Vilardell.