11/13/20 · Institutional

"Companies value students' capacity to integrate into the workforce quickly"

Elsa Puig, headhunter

Photo: Elsa Puig

Photo: Elsa Puig

Elsa Puig, headhunter


In our new day-to-day during this pandemic, in which everything is even more focused on the digital world, workforce professionals are increasingly looking for individuals who are not only well-organized in their work, but also eager to adapt continuously to changing environments. We met with Elsa Puig, headhunter at Entretalent, a company that manages and teaches people and professional skills, to discuss how the educational and professional worlds interact. Puig often selects UOC graduates for job offers, and recommends the University to several companies for the training of their employees.


In our new day-to-day during this pandemic, in which everything is even more focused on the digital world, workforce professionals are increasingly looking for individuals who are not only well-organized in their work, but also eager to adapt continuously to changing environments. We met with Elsa Puig, headhunter at Entretalent, a company that manages and teaches people and professional skills, to discuss how the educational and professional worlds interact. Puig often selects UOC graduates for job offers, and recommends the University to several companies for the training of their employees.

What role should universities play in the move from the world of education to the world of work?

Universities should act as facilitators, providing students with what they need in the working environment. Universities must make an effort to keep up to date, listening to companies, keeping their ear to the ground generally, and continuously renewing their programmes to adapt them to companies' requirements, which are constantly changing these days. 

As well as teaching different specializations, more training is needed on developing inter- and intrapersonal skills. Universities in general should offer more integrated training, touching upon both intellectual and emotional aspects, and providing added value. 

How can a university appear attractive to the business world? 

Companies value students' capacity to integrate into the workforce quickly and their ability to provide different visions and ways of doing things. This is why the updating of programmes of study is important, in addition to the need to offer a wide range learning opportunities. The flexible schedules the university offers can also be a decisive element when companies decide how to invest in training their employees.

In addition to teaching contents aligned with companies' requirements, universities that include plans for training in emotional intelligence skills in their specializations will provide value appreciated by companies.  

What are the UOC's strengths that are valued in the world of work?

The UOC's flexible approach allows students to organize their own time and study when and where they want.  It allows for learning based on continuous assessment, and also offers a wide range of specializations and courses, which address curiosity and continuous learning.  Moreover, it offers services to support students and facilitate their transition to the world of work.

What skills do online graduates have that differentiate them from other students?

Anyone going out into the world of work has to possess skills such as adaptability, flexibility, creativity, empathy, a critical mind for innovating and finding solutions to any problems that may arise, as well as the ability to work in a team and an interest in self-development. However, online graduates stand out in particular because they have a greater capacity for self-management and self-learning, discipline, self-motivation and proactivity in looking for information to solve problems and are skilled in the use of digital tools.

What added value do these graduates offer companies?

These are individuals who are used to the process of self-learning, to looking for alternatives when there is something they don't know, to finding solutions in a more proactive manner, and to being more open to continuous learning.   If these are people who have combined work and study, they are able to work hard and are more skilled at time management.

Is the pandemic changing selection processes? How?

Yes, it has definitely changed the dynamics of selection processes. At Entretalent we were already used to remote selection processes, interviewing people in different continents by video link, and carrying out online assessments. Over the last few months, all the selection processes have been conducted online. 

It is important to bear in mind that in online selection processes, several important factors are lost, especially variables such as non-verbal communication and how well a person takes care of their appearance. These are elements that have to be compensated for by a wider range of professional psychological assessment techniques being adopted by the selection professionals.

In recent times, a lot more 100% digital positions have been offered. Could online graduates be better prepared for these jobs?

Without a doubt, more 100% digital positions will continue to appear. The pandemic has accelerated this process. Companies that baulked at making these changes are now seeing that they are possible and that they can offer benefits. Now, these fully remote positions present a new challenge, which consists of facilitating the integration and cohesion of working groups, and the workers' commitment to and identification with the company. 

Online graduates will be more used to feeling part of a group that works online, they will have developed more skills for interacting in the digital environment, and the limitations of physical distance will not bother them as much.

Which professional profiles are most in demand right now?

Apart from healthcare workers, due to the exceptional current situation, there is a high demand for IT profiles (applications and systems that facilitate remote working, artificial intelligence, big data, cybersecurity), professionals linked to financial control and also professions involving business development or re-invention (digital marketing, sales and the development of customer experience).  

In light of the importance we give to continuous training these days, do you think that an educational model focused on learning activity is highly valued by companies?

It is definitely highly valued, since we have to learn new things continuously and need to exercise our brain.  The world is changing very rapidly and we need to learn new skills in order to adapt to the changes increasingly fast; we need to learn and unlearn things every day.  

The continuous learning process keeps the brain fit; the brain is like a muscle and needs mental workouts. A stimulated brain gives better results, it is more creative and productive; mental agility offers organizations differential value that helps them deal with new scenarios.

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