
"Companies should give back part of what they receive from society"

Sergi Figueres from Worldcoo

Photo: Borja Ballbé

Photo: Borja Ballbé

Sergi Figueres from Worldcoo

Constructing a water bank in Ethiopia, establishing an enclosure for crops in Niger and aiding cocoa cooperatives in rural communities in Nicaragua are some of the initiatives it is possible to finance via Worldcoo, a worldwide crowdfunding platform set up to raise money for cooperation and sustainable development projects. With NGOs finding funding increasingly hard to come by, the idea is to get socially committed people and companies involved. Sergi Figueres, co-founder and director of Worldcoo, told the Campus for Peace about what makes him and his colleagues tick.

Constructing a water bank in Ethiopia, establishing an enclosure for crops in Niger and aiding cocoa cooperatives in rural communities in Nicaragua are some of the initiatives it is possible to finance via Worldcoo, a worldwide crowdfunding platform set up to raise money for cooperation and sustainable development projects. With NGOs finding funding increasingly hard to come by, the idea is to get socially committed people and companies involved. Sergi Figueres, co-founder and director of Worldcoo, told the Campus for Peace about what makes him and his colleagues tick.

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