
“Civilisations can’t thrive without sharing and exchanging”

Mustapha Chèrif

Mustapha Chèrif

From October onwards, Mustapha Cherif will be in charge of the new master’s degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. In autumn of 2006, Cherif gave the inaugural lesson for the academic year 2006-2007 at the UOC and, a few weeks later, was given a private audience with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican, in the course of which the former Minister for Education for Algeria and current Professor of Philosophy at Algiers University spoke to the Pontiff of his conviction that Islam does not thrive on violence and intolerance, but on reason and dialogue. In this interview, this specialist in intercultural and interreligious dialogue spoke of the need to create a new, common civilisation for the whole of humanity and referred to the “exceptional” opportunity that, in his opinion, Obama’s election as president of the United States represents.
From October onwards, Mustapha Cherif will be in charge of the new master’s degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. In autumn of 2006, Cherif gave the inaugural lesson for the academic year 2006-2007 at the UOC and, a few weeks later, was given a private audience with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican, in the course of which the former Minister for Education for Algeria and current Professor of Philosophy at Algiers University spoke to the Pontiff of his conviction that Islam does not thrive on violence and intolerance, but on reason and dialogue. In this interview, this specialist in intercultural and interreligious dialogue spoke of the need to create a new, common civilisation for the whole of humanity and referred to the “exceptional” opportunity that, in his opinion, Obama’s election as president of the United States represents.

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