Is there any such thing as audiovisual communication?
Vicenç Villatoro

Director General of the Catalan Radio and Television Corporation


The categorisation of audiovisual communication makes little sense today, since what matters are the purposes of communication—narrative, informative, etc.—independently of what support may be used. In other words, the most important thing is what is to be said, not the channel used to say it. Communicative channels or languages—the written word, images, the Internet, television—serve specific functions and the right channel needs to be chosen according to particular communicative ends. Besides that, the communicative genre involves a pact with the spectator, as it is the genre that guarantees the verisimilitude of the communicative act.

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Conferencia celebrada en el acto de inauguración de los Estudios de Ciencias de la Información y de la Comunicación de la UOC (primer semestre del curso 2002-2003), que tuvo lugar en Bellaterra el 14 de septiembre de 2002.