What do you know about open access?
During the International Open Access Week, the UOC Library held a competition to promote knowledge about open access and the tools that the UOC makes available to its entire student community and all its administration staff, teaching staff and researchers.
- Participants: students, teaching staff, researchers and UOC administration staff.
- Duration of the competition: from Monday 24/10 at 9am until Sunday 30/10 at midnight.
- Jury: this included three Library members, one UNESCO E-Learning Chair member and one UOC Open Access Strategic Plan Coordination member.
- Judging: there will be a single winner, who will have answered all questions on the questionnaire correctly and submitted the most creative dissemination proposal in the final question. In the event of a tie, it will be decided by lottery.
- Prize: the lucky winner will take away a latest-generation electronic e-book reader, a kindle 3, with a selection of texts on open access in it, published with open access licences.