Organizing higher education for collaboration: a guide for campus leaders
Adrianna J. Kezar
Jaime Lester
This book provides needed guidance and advice for how colleges and universities can reorganize to foster more collaborative work. In a time of declining resources, financial challenges, changing demographics, and staff overturn, institutions are looking for ways to maximize their resources and still be effective. This book is based on a study of campuses that have been successful in recreating their environments to support collaborative work.
collaborative work, higher education, university campus, university organization
Title: Organizing higher education for collaboration: a guide for campus leaders
Author: Adrianna J. Kezar, Jaime Lester
Publication: San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009 290 p.
ISBN: 9780470179369
Preface: Organizing Higher Education for Collaboration
The Authors
PART 1: Setting the Context for Moving Toward Collaboration: Understanding the Logic, Barriers, and Need to Reorganize
The Collaborative Imperative
The Challenges of Collaboration
Taking Advantage of Collaboration: Synergizing Successful Practices
PART 2: Strategies for Reorganizing Campuses
Misson, Vision, and Educational Philosophy
Social Networks
Intergrating Structures
External Pressures
PART 3: Conclusion: Bringing the Strategies Together for Collective Action
Developing a Collaborative Context: Toward a Developmental Process
A Collective Responsibility: What Can Various Constituents Do to Support Collaboration on Campus?
APPENDIX A: Methodology
APPENDIX B: Resource Guide
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