Issue 2 (2006)


UOC Papers, has been indexed in the following directories and library catalogues:

Reference directories of journals

Database of Spanish and Latin American scientific journals (CINDOC-CSIC)

Ulrich's periodicals directory
Reference source of worldwide journals

Portal for the dissemination of Spanish-American scientific work promoted by the University of La Rioja

E-journals and information newsletters

Directory of academic journals promoted by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)

Gold Rush (formerly Electronic journal miner)
Directory of digital journals promoted by Colorado Alliance

Databases of open access journals

Bank of open access Catalan journals

Bank of open access journals with worldwide application (University of Michigan)

Scientific Commons
Bank of open access journals with worldwide application (University of Saint Gallen)

Collective networks, libraries and catalogues

Consortium of Catalan university libraries

Network of Spanish university libraries

Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes
The Library of Spanish Cultures (University of Alicante)

Biblioteca Nacional de España
Collective catalogue of journals

Biblioteca virtual Joan Lluís Vives
Library of Catalan, Valencian and Balearic Culture

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