Issue 1 (2005)

Editorial Board

The UOC Papers Editorial Board is made up of the following people:

Joan Fuster Sobrepere (Director)
Eduard Aibar (Professor of Humanities and Philology Studies)
Gemma Andreu (Professor of Information and Communication Science Studies)
Julià Minguillón (Professor of Computer Science and Multimedia Studies)
Jordi Planella (Professor of Psychology and Educational Science Studies)
Víctor M. Sánchez (Professor of Law and Political Science Studies)
Joan Torrent (Professor of Economics and Business Studies)
Toni Brunet (Communications Director)
Lluís Rius (Editor)


UOC PAPERS. Iss. 1 (2005). PUBLISHED BY: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Àrea de Comunicació. Edicions i Projectes de Difusió. DIRECTION: Toni Brunet. EXECUTIVE EDITOR AND COORDINATOR: Lluís Rius. EDITORIAL SECRETARY: Maria Boixadera. ASSISTANT EDITOR: Josep Caldés. DIGITAL PRODUCTION: Israel García. WEB PROGRAMMING: David Alcubierre, Carlos Lavatelli. CORRECTION AND TRANSLATION OF TEXTS: Glòria Bohigas, David Cullen, Anna Jolis, Mercè Vázquez, Òscar Vendrell. LAYOUT: Sistemes d'Edició. ISSN: 1885-1541. LEGAL DEPOSIT: B. 36832-2005. DESIGN: Sinapsis.

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