Tornar enrera Homepage Chance or Design? Arthur Terry and Catalan Literary Criticism


1. ELIOT, T.S., 'To Criticize the Critic', in To Criticize the Critic and Other Writings (London: Faber & Faber, 1961) pp.11-26, pp.16.

2. ELIOT, T.S., pp.12 & 13.

3. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg' to Quatre poetes catalans: Ferrater, Brossa, Gimferrer, Xirau (Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1991) pp.5-7, pp.6-7.

4. FRANCE, Peter, pp.8-9. 'He was involved with the // BCLA from the early days, was its secretary from 1980 to 1985 and its president from 1986 to 1992. And he was no figure-head president, but took an active part in organizing workshops and conferences.'

5. TERRY, Arthur, 'Preface' to A Literary History of Spain. Catalan Literature, (London: Ernest Benn Ltd., 1972) pp. xv-xvii, p.xv.

6. In his preface to A Literary History of Spain. Catalan Literature, pp.xvi-xvii, Terry explains: 'In this, as in the rest of the book, my chief aim has been to provide the reader with clear and, as far as possible, accurate introduction to a literature which I hope he will be encouraged to explore for himself', and in his introduction to Ausias March, Selected Poems, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1976) pp.1-25, p.1, he openly declares his desire to place March where he belongs in European literature. He writes: 'A bilingual anthology of the poetry of Ausias March (1397-1459) seems justified for several reasons. In the first place, because he is unquestionably a major writer, the finest poet working enywhere in Europe between Chaucer an Villon -that is to say, in the first part of the fifteenth century.'

7. Quoted by FRANCE, Peter, 'Arthur Terry: An Appreciation', in Word in Time: Poetry, Narrative, Translation. Essays for Arthur Terry on the occasion of his 70th Birthday, pp. 6-9, p.7.

8. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg' to Sobre poesia catalana contemporània (Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1985) pp.7-10, p.9.

9. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg' to Quatre poetes catalans: Ferrater, Brossa, Gimferrer, Xirau (Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1991) pp.5-7, p.6.

10. TERRY, Arthur, 'Advertiment' to La poesia de Joan Maragall, 1963, 2nd edition (Barcelona: Quaderns Crema, 2000) pp.11-12.

11. TERRY, Arthur, 'Nota a la segona edició', La poesia de Joan Maragall, pp.9-10, p.10.

12. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg' to Sobre poesia catalana contemporània, pp.8 & 9.

13. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg' to Sobre poesia catalana contemporània, p.7.

14. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg 'to Sobre poesia catalana contemporània, p.8. WELLEK, René, A History of Modern Criticism 1750-1950, (Yale: Yale University Press, 1986) v.6, p.151.

15. MANENT, Marià, 'El Maragall d'Arhur Terry', 1963, now in Poesia, llenguatge, forma (Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1973) pp.45 - 50, p.45.

16. MANENT, Marià, 'El Maragall d'Arhur Terry', pp.45-46.

17. MANENT, Marià, 'El Maragall d'Arhur Terry', p. 46.

18. TERRY, Arthur, 'Advertiment', pp.11-12.

19. In his 'Pròleg' to Sobre poesia catalana contemporània, p.8, Terry states: 'Evidentment, cap mètode crític no és capaç d'exhaurir, ell sol, una obra d'una certa complexitat: sempre és difícil de posar en relleu una cosa sense deixar-ne una altra a l'ombra; el punt de vista que ens serveix per comprendre una obra determinada pot resultar inadequat en el cas d'una altra.' MANENT, Marià, 'Sobre el Maragall d'Arthur Terry', Comentari mensual, Serra d'Or, n.11, Nov. 1963, 28.

20. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg' to Sobre poesia catalana contemporània, pp.7-8.

21. VENY, Joan, 'Pròleg' in Homenatge a Arthur Terry, (Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat,1997) pp.5-7, p.5.

22. See VENY, Joan, 'Pròleg', pp.5-6.

23. Veny tells us: 'com la magnífica Catalan Literature (1972), traduïda al castellà (1977), que he rellegit amb delectança: a més d'omplir un buit _i no és un tòpic_ en aquest tipus de treballs, l'obra, destinada a estrangers, va constituir un estímul entre lectors castellanoparlants _i també catalans!_ a l'exploració de la nostra literatura', p.6.

24. TERRY, Arthur, 'Advertiment' to La poesia de Joan Maragall, p.12.

25. ELIOT, T.S., p.17

26. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg' to Quatre poetes catalans: Ferrater, Brossa, Gimferrer, Xirau, p.7.

27. TERRY, Arthur, 'Pròleg' to Sobre poesia catalana contemporània, pp.7-8.

28. VENY, Joan, pp.6-7.

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