Projecte Internet Catalunya

Projecte Internet Catalunya (PIC, Project Internet Catalonia) is an interdisciplinary research project on the information society in Catalonia carried out by researchers of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, Open University of Catalonia), with different entities and persons collaborating in surveying and documentation tasks.

The project is financed by different departments of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The global project is co-directed by Doctors Manuel Castells and Imma Tubella.


Eduard Aibar
Manuel Castells
David Castillo
Àngel Díaz
M. Isabel Díaz de Isla
Laia Miralles
Josep M. Mominó
Esteve Ollé
Teresa Sancho
Carles Sigalés
Joan Torrent
Imma Tubella
Jordi Vilaseca
Ferran Urgell
Barry Wellman
