JovenTIC: Youth and New Information and Communication Technologies
This research programme focuses on the study of both material and symbolic appropriation of new media technologies by young people. Material appropriation is understood in terms of feeling spaces and technological resources as their own, whereas symbolic one refers to the kind of use they make of such technologies, which is mainly as Relationship Technologies.
This group studies the transformations caused by this use of technologies on young people, assuming that these particular uses will be the general uses in the immediate future. Its study should allow us to understand social changes linked to new technologies, such as the modification of interpersonal relationship norms. . This group also wants to develop new methodologies to approach such phenomenon, integrating into the traditional social sciences research methods, the new possibilities offered by qualitative methodologies as ethnographic research (participant observation, auto-ethnography, virtual ethnography ...).
ICTs, Youth, Social change, Research methodology on ICTs, Technological spreading
Uses of ICTs by young people in public and private leisure areas. Project funded by the Consorci Institut de la Infància i Món Urbà (CIIMU). It aims at studying the use of new technologies and the meaning young people give to their use. The project focuses on the informal leisure areas, such as Cyber cafés, telecottages or other places with public access to ICTs provided by NGOs.
Adriana Gil Juárez
Montserrat Vall-llovera i Llovet
Joel Feliu i Samuel-Lajeunesse
- Gil, A., Feliu, J., Gil, E. y Rivero, I. (2003). Noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació o noves tecnologies de relació? Infants, joves i cultura digital. Article en línia
- Gil, A., Gil, E. y Rivero, I. (2003). Consumo de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación por parte de adolescentes en espacios de ocio. Encuentros en Psicología Social. 1(2) pp. 347-352.
- Gil, A. y Feliu, J. (2003). El consumo de las TIC: características afectivo-psicosociales de la Sociedad de la Información. Encuentros en Psicología Social. 1(3) pp. 7-10.
- Gil, A. i Feliu, J. (2004). Consum i producció de noves tecnologies de relació. A VV.AA. (2004). Entre siglos/ Entre segles. Publicació conjunta de les Secretaries Generals de la Joventut de Mèxic i Catalunya.
- Gil, A. y Feliu, J. (2004). Consumo y transformación social. La nueva sociedad de consumidores de tecnología. En Gil, A. y Feliu, J. (Coords). Psicología Económica y del Comportamiento del Consumidor. EDIUOC: Barcelona.
- Gil, A. (2004). El consumo como emoción. Rasgos afectivos de la sociedad de consumo. En Gil, A. y Feliu, J. (Coords). Psicología Económica y del Comportamiento del Consumidor. EDIUOC: Barcelona.
Congress Participations:
- Gil, A.; Feliu, J. (2004). From consumption to production: new media technologies as relationship technologies. 4S & EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology) Conference 2004. 25-28 Agost 2004 Paris, Francia (
- Gil, A.; Hernández, E. (2004). The new technologies of relation between the adolescents of Barcelona. The IX Conference EARA 2004 (European Association for Adolescence) 5-8 Mayo 2004 Porto, Portugal.
- Rivero, I.; Gil, A.; Feliu, J.; Gil, E. (2003). Teenager Consumption of ICTs In Leisure Spaces: To Build A Culture Of The Encounter. VIth E.S.A. Conference. Septiembre 2003 Murcia, España.
- Gil, A.; Rivero, I.; Feliu, J.; Gil, E. (2003). Teenager Consumption of ICTs in Leisure Spaces. Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes: Youth Cultures in the 21st Century Conference. Septiembre 2003, Northampton.
- Gil, E.; Rivero, I. y Gil, A. (2002). Identidad de l@s adolescentes y consumo de las tic en espacios de ocio: mecanismos subversivos de resignificación cultural. III Congrés de Joventut de Catalunya. Bellaterra, Barcelona.