Working Paper Series WP02-001  
ICTs and strategic and organizational changes in Catalan business
A review of select evidence for Catalonia, Spain and international data

Jordi Vilaseca []
Director of Economics and Business Studies (UOC)
Researcher (IN3-UOC)

Joan Torrent []
Professor of Economics and Business Studies (UOC)
Researcher (IN3-UOC)

Ángel Díaz []
Professor of Economics and Business Studies (UOC)
Researcher (IN3-UOC)


This paper examines the transformation of business deriving from the usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The available data shows that the ICTs are transforming the production function of firms, but there is little evidence of what is happening within firms. It also introduces a series of variables concerning the value of a firm that should permit evaluation of the transformation of the business process.


Information and Communication Technologies, network firm, knowledge-based economy, new economy, e-business, digital technologies

Published on:
November 2002 
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© 2002 by Jordi Vilaseca, Joan Torrent and Ángel Díaz
© 2002 by FUOC