Doctoral Programme in Education and ICT (e-Learning)
The Education and ICT ( e-learning ) doctoral programme focuses on the study of the phenomena linked electronic teaching and learning, the institutional or social framework, and technology-mediated online learning systems in general in any geographic or cultural setting, while also opening up this focus to include any innovative research that uses ICT in the framework of education. To do so, the programme offers interdisciplinary work that currently covers fields of knowledge as diverse as psychology and pedagogy or computer engineering, law, tourism, economics, mathematics and the humanities, among others.
The challenges facing education in the 21st century are closely linked to competent and rational use of Information and Communication Technologies as we know them, and the different forms that these technologies might take in the immediate future. This connection between education and ICT will not remain the same over time, rather it will become more complex, taking on new challenges that are hard to foresee at present.
The Education and ICT ( e-learning ) doctoral programme focuses on the study of the phenomena linked electronic teaching and learning, the institutional or social framework, and technology-mediated online learning systems in general in any geographic or cultural setting, while also opening up this focus to include any innovative research that uses ICT in the framework of education. To do so, the programme offers interdisciplinary work that currently covers fields of knowledge as diverse as psychology and pedagogy or computer engineering, law, tourism, economics, mathematics and the humanities, among others.
The challenges facing education in the 21st century are closely linked to competent and rational use of Information and Communication Technologies as we know them, and the different forms that these technologies might take in the immediate future. This connection between education and ICT will not remain the same over time, rather it will become more complex, taking on new challenges that are hard to foresee at present. The mutually influencing evolution of education and ICT requires professionals who are knowledgeable and curious about technological advances, while also being committed to the social ends inherent in all levels of education, clearly including non-formal forms of education. Likewise, study and analysis in the field of education requires interdisciplinary and intersectoral work that opens the door to companies that develop and apply knowledge in any of the different areas of learning.
The Education and ICT doctoral programme focuses on online teaching and learning, the institutional or social framework, and technology-mediated online education systems, in general, in any geographic or cultural setting. It is open to any innovative research that involves the use of ICT in education. With this in mind, the programme supports interdisciplinary work that covers fields as diverse as psychology, pedagogy, computer engineering, law, tourism, economics, mathematics or the humanities, among others.
The doctoral programme develops the following basic competencies (as per Spain's Royal Decrees RD 99/2011 and RD 576/2023):
C1. Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the research skills and methods related to this field.
C2. Conceiving, designing or creating, putting into practice and adopting a substantial research or creation process.
C3. Contributing to expanding the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
C4. Developing a critical analysis and assessment and synthesizing new and complex ideas.
C5. Communicating with the academic and scientific community and with society in general regarding the student's areas of knowledge, employing the formats and languages habitually used in their international scientific community.
C6. Fostering scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress in a knowledge-based society, in academic and professional settings.
C7. Fostering open science and citizen science (in accordance with Article 12 of Spain's Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March) so as to contribute to the status of scientific knowledge as a common good, with assessment of the doctoral student's performance of interdisciplinary activities relating to the different aspects of open science and citizen science, and the development of skills in both disciplines through microcredentials or similar.
Admission profiles
We welcome candidates who are already involved in education; this includes teachers and other education professionals from any type of university or school, who may be professionally active or not, and wish to learn more about technology-mediated education or e-learning. We also welcome public- or private-sector professionals involved in senior management, coordination, policy-making, advisory services, consulting and evaluation of e-learning projects, instructional design or development of digital education resources and environments.
The programme is open both to those interested in building a long-term career in the field of research, in either the business world or academia, and to professionals in this sector seeking to boost their career prospects with doctoral-level education.
Career opportunities
Coordination of online learning programmes for schools, teaching training, universities, vocational training or lifelong learning for businesses.
Primary or secondary school management, including the development of digital transformation plans.
Consultancy for schools or cultural/socio-educational organizations on the development and assessment of online learning projects.
Coordination of innovation or research projects associated with the use of digital technology in education or socio-education-related fields.
Consultancy for public administrations and governmental and non-governmental bodies with an international or global scope in relation to online education and training.
Senior management and consulting in the publishing and development of digital education resources and curricular materials or online learning environments.
University teaching.
Official qualification
The UOC Doctoral Programme of Education and ITC (e-Learning) is a programme that has been approved by the Spanish Universities Council, and its implementation has been authorized by the Government of Catalonia, in accordance with current legislation.
The UOC's bachelor's, university master's degrees and doctoral programmes have full academic validity throughout Spain; where such is the intention, they are qualifications to perform regulated professions, in accordance with the regulations applicable in each case.
The certificates for these programmes are issued together with a Diploma Supplement (DS), providing details of what the student studied, their results, the professional competencies obtained and the qualification's level in the Spanish higher education system; the aim of this is to facilitate recognition of the qualification and promote students' and graduates' mobility within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
In other countries, the validity of the official university qualifications issued by the UOC will depend on each specific country's education laws.
Official qualification
The UOC Doctoral Programme of Education and ITC (e-Learning) is a programme that has been approved by the Spanish Universities Council, and its implementation has been authorized by the Government of Catalonia, in accordance with current legislation.
The UOC's bachelor's, university master's degrees and doctoral programmes have full academic validity throughout Spain; where such is the intention, they are qualifications to perform regulated professions, in accordance with the regulations applicable in each case.
The certificates for these programmes are issued together with a Diploma Supplement (DS), providing details of what the student studied, their results, the professional competencies obtained and the qualification's level in the Spanish higher education system; the aim of this is to facilitate recognition of the qualification and promote students' and graduates' mobility within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
In other countries, the validity of the official university qualifications issued by the UOC will depend on each specific country's education laws.
17 Sep 2026
Admission to the welcome area: March 19, 2025
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English
Official qualification
Fully online method
World's first ever online university
Personalized guidance and support
Among the top universities
According to the World University Rankings 2024, the UOC is in the top 7% of the world's leading universities.
Programme quality
The quality of this degree programme is endorsed by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU), which ensures that rigorous standards, including those demanded by the EHEA, are met.
AQU quality seal