1/27/22 · News

The UOC participates as partner in an Erasmus+ initiative to improve entrepreneurial competencies at universities

SpinTeams Logo


The UOC is one of several EU universities taking part in the Erasmus+ project SPINTeams, an initiative led by the Terrassa Chamber of Commerce and Services.


The project aims to provide methodological support to spin-offs and start-ups originating from universities and other educational institutions by providing them with new learning opportunities through training, thus enhancing researchers' and students' entrepreneurial skills and their presence in an international network of entrepreneurs and mentors.


SPINTeams will provide Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with entrepreneurship tutors to provide guidance and advice in the early stages of new enterprises, with specific training for future entrepreneurs including new peer-to-peer learning and mentoring methodologies and the creation of a support ecosystem. The project also includes an international cooperation platform to promote networking between institutions in different countries.


The initiative includes webinars to help the associated HEIs' entrepreneurship tutors enhance their skills to support entrepreneurs, training to improve entrepreneurial and business skills for advanced students, doctoral students and researchers (future entrepreneurs or spin-off/start-up founders), the development of a "Building Business Support Ecosystems for HEIs" manual, the preparation of a "Peer-To-Peer Learning and Tutoring Methods to Support New Entrepreneurs" guide, and the establishment of an international cooperation platform to promote teamwork, networking and tutoring.


 Taking part in this project reinforces the UOC's commitment to supporting enterprise and innovation. The UOC currently has a variety of entrepreneurial support programmes, through Hubbik, under which business advice, ranging from the validation of the business idea to its acceleration, is provided in accordance with the needs of each project.


There are ten partners taking part in the project:

Partners Spinteams


Sign up HERE!

See the project website and social media


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“SPINTeams is a 3-year project backed by the Erasmus+ programme with a budget of €995,176.”

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