12/5/23 · News

Can autism spectrum disorder treatment be improved with immersive technology rooms and immersive virtual environments?


The TIC Salut Social Foundation, the GURU Foundation, the Sant Francesc d'Assís Foundation and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) have launched a project to assess whether the use of information and communication technology (ICT) can improve the treatment and quality of life of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The project will involve a pilot test to assess the results of incorporating various technological solutions in two different spaces: an immersive technology room and an immersive virtual environment.

The project will lead to the development of a methodological tool that allows the various teams of professionals to select which technologies may be most appropriate for integration into the treatment process of people with ASD. The ultimate goal is for the technological solution to help improve autonomy and contribute to cognitive stimulation, better communication skills and the incorporation of emotional and behavioural self-regulation strategies in people with levels 2 and 3 of ASD.

The pilot test will be carried out throughout 2024 at the facilities of the Sant Francesc d'Assís Foundation and the GURU Foundation in groups of up to 12 users for each centre. The UOC's eHealth Center will participate in the design and assessment, providing methodological advice.


Immersive technology room

The immersive technology room will include the following technological solutions aimed at improving the quality of life of people with ASD:

  • Tablets: These allow the intervention to be carried out in all developmental contexts using the same tool, which can help overcome difficulties in the generalization of the types of learning presented by people with ASD due to their weak central coherence style of mental processing. The tablets will be provided in learning environments with various technological solutions prescribed by professionals.
  • Interactive whiteboards: These provide a visual and interactive way of presenting information, making it easier for people with ASD to visualize it, have controlled interactions and receive communication support and controlled sensory stimulation.
  • Stimulation seats: These are designed to provide a certain amount of pressure, movement and tactile stimulation to users. In the case of people with ASD, they can help provide controlled sensory stimulation.
  • Construction and programming devices: These enable users to acquire or consolidate the necessary social skills to participate in group activities. It is essential that these devices be programmed based on a visual block programming code.


Immersive virtual environment

An immersive virtual environment is a space designed to provide an enveloping multi-sensory experience to users. This type of environment takes place in a room that is usually equipped with advanced immersive virtual reality (IVR) technology combining 3D graphics, sound, motion tracking and virtual reality headsets.

In this environment, the question of whether the use of immersive rooms through virtual reality can enhance emotional management work with previously controlled and predetermined sensory stimuli will be analysed. Working on emotional management within the immersive room makes it possible to control stimuli and regulate responses by working on each participant's interests and sensitivities.


On ASD and the impact of ICT

ASD is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that emerges during early childhood. It can have different degrees of severity in the areas of communication and social interaction, restricted interests and repetitive behaviours. It can also be associated with other disorders and result in different levels of intelligence. According to the Catalan Autism Federation, 1 in every 100 people has ASD, and in Catalonia it is estimated to affect about 77,000 people.

As mentioned above, the proposed technological solutions have a series of characteristics that may make them very useful tools for the treatment of ASD. Currently, however, there is no guide or methodology that let professionals know which solutions are the most appropriate according to the degree of severity of the disorder or what results can be obtained by using them.

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