Healthy aging

We see a need to rethink aging and consider new approaches to how we want to age and who should care for older people. Healthy aging depends on developing and maintaining functional capacity and well-being in old age. This involves preventing diseases, encouraging active lifestyles and creating friendly environments for older people that promote autonomy, active participation in society and the ability to manage their own health.


We approach aging from a global and preventive health perspective

To address this challenge we must develop and roll out innovative technologies adapted to the needs and preferences of older people, ensuring they are accessible and usable. Digital health can also contribute to tackling public health challenges associated with aging, such as chronic diseases, social isolation and loneliness, and rising health service costs.

Comprehensive health

Preventive health


Ageing challenges


At the eHealth Center we're looking for people and organizations who are keen to transform the health paradigm. Join us and we'll enable this change!

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