Selection of books

The Employment impact of innovation: evidence and policy

Marco Vivarelli

Mario Pianta


The rapid pace of technological change, and the diffusion of information and communication technologies, is changing the structure of advanced economies and has a direct impact on the dynamics of employment. The view that market forces can easily counterbalance the labour-saving impact of innovation is contrasted in this book with empirical findings on aggregate compensation effects and on the consequences of the specific type of innovation in industries and services.

"The Employment Impact of Innovation" delivers its findings in three key areas: - Theoretical context, from classical 'compensation theory' to state-of-the-art debates.
- Empirical investigation. Detailed and comparative international analyses explore how technological and structural change have affected employment patterns. Studies at the macroeconomic and sectoral level investigate the role of demand patterns and the different sectoral impact of product, process and organisational innovation in industries and services.
- Policy analysis and recommendation, including a focus on the role of learning, and a proposal for a new set of employment friendly economic and innovation policies.


Innovation, employment, information and communication technologies, information society

catalogue card

Title: The Employment impact of innovation : evidence and policy
Author: Marco Vivarelli, Mario Pianta
Publication: London; New York: Routledge, 2000
Subjects: employment - technological innovations
ISBN: 0-415-20433-X


Open summary, issue 6 (2008)

Open summary (iss. 6, 2008)


Towards a global, knowledge-based economy: the effects of ICT on employment


Open research – the ORS way, by Miltiadis Lytras and Miguel-Ángel Sicilia. Presentation by Julià Minguillón


ICT and work: towards new organisational systems, new salary and employment structures, and new mechanisms for intermediation, coordinated by Joan Torrent

Electronic skill-biased technological change (e-SBTC), employment and salaries: the state of the question, by Joan Torrent

Networked organisation of work: an empirical approach for Catalan businesses, by Pilar Ficapal-Cusí

Salary gaps in the knowledge economy: an empirical analysis for Spain, by Ángel Díaz-Chao

Who looks for work on the internet?, by Elena González-Rodrigo and Jorge Sainz-Gonzalez


How do people work in a multilingual virtual classroom? A multilingual learning environment using Moodle and Apertium, by Antoni Oliver and Cristina Borrell

Digital literacy as a factor for social inclusion: a critical perspective, by José Luis Travieso and Jordi Planella


Feminismo y Conocimiento. De la experiencia de las mujeres al cíborg, by Carme Adán. by M. Antònia Huertas

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