Monograph "ICT and work: towards new organisational systems, new salary and employment structures, and new mechanisms for intermediation"
Who looks for work on the internet?
Elena González-Rodrigo (
Department of Applied Economics I, King Juan Carlos University
Jorge Sainz-González (
Department of Applied Economics I, King Juan Carlos University
Internet has led to an important change in the way we look for work. However, this change has not affected everyone equally. Our analysis shows that the youngest and most educated have made the most of the net. Likewise, it is a tool used more frequently for job searches by those already in employment. One of the most interesting results shows that women, proportionally, use the net more to look for work, a finding that is consistent with the results that show that traditional contracting structures discriminate negatively. Despite the fact that the internet is a factor in the evolution of the employment market, it is obviously not the solution to its problems nor does it represent a radical change.
employment market, internet, job search, labour discrimination, networks
Submission date:
January 2008
Accepted in:
February 2008
Published in:
April 2008
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