Monograph "Cities in the information society"
Cultural events in Catalan tourist resorts and cities
Francesc González (
Lecturer in the UOC Faculty of Economics and Business Studies
The diversification of the economic base and increased interurban competition in the contemporary Post-Fordist city has driven the role of tourism and leisure as urban and local economic development vectors. Cities try to take advantage of their innate atmosphere and the leisure, and special and cultural events they offer to attract visitors and gain income. This article looks at the possibilities offered by cultural tourist events for local and urban development in Catalonia. Specifically, it provides analysis of the local events on offer of this type, characterises them and reflects on the possibilities offered to establish strategies for local and urban development focusing on tourism.
cultural tourism, local development, special events
Submission date:
September 2007
Accepted in:
September 2007
Published in:
October 2007
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