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"When I'm playing, I'm learning". Videogames and computer games, essential learning in the twenty-first century

Federico Borges Sáiz (

Lecturer in the UOC Faculty of Languages and Cultures


This book by Marc Prensky is aimed at parents and teachers who want to know why videogames and computer games are essential for children and young people's learning in the twenty-first century. Reading this book is an excellent way of penetrating the world of videogames, unknown to many adults, and to find out what makes them attractive and beneficial. The author also provides keys so that we adults can share with our children or students their passion for games and so maximise the benefit that they (and we) can obtain from videogames.


computer games, information society, learning with videogames, videogames

Submission date:  January 2007
Accepted in:  February 2007
Published in:  October 2007

Open summary, issue 5 (2007)

Open summary (iss. 5, 2007)


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"When I'm playing, I'm learning". Videogames and computer games, essential learning in the twenty-first century. By Federico Borges

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