Originality of papers and the validation process
UOC Papers is undergoing a process of renovation and will not be accepting papers and articles until further notice.
UOC Papers aims to publish original work: articles received which are undergoing a process of approval with another journal shall not be accepted. In exceptional circumstances, the Editorial Board may recommend the translation of an article from another publication if it is particularly relevant.
All articles received undergo peer review by experts designated by the Editorial Board, which shall make every effort to ensure that authors receive a rapid response in all cases, and never more than six weeks from having received the original.
Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to use copyrighted images.
Contents published in UOC Papers are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 2.5 licence, the full text of which can be consulted on http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/es/deed.en. Thus, they may be copied, distributed and broadcast provided that the author and UOC Papers are cited, as shown in the recommended citation that accompanies each article. Commercial use and derivative works are not permitted.
Authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to use copyrighted images.
Formal criteria
Articles sent for consideration by the UOC Papers Editorial Board have to include the following information:
The originals have to be sent as electronic files and should not exceed the established limits (5,000 words for articles, 1,000-2,000 words for reviews and 500-1,000 words for notes).
Graphics, tables and images embedded in the text should be sent in a separate file, numbered and with a caption to identify the content. We would recommend that there not be more than 10. Tables should be numbered using Roman numerals (Table I) and graphics with Arabic numbers (Figure 1).
Bibliographic references
Bibliographic references have to be presented in line with the ISO 690:1987 standard [International Standard Organisation. Information and documentation - Bibliographic references (content, form and structure)] for documents on paper and the ISO 690-2:1997 standard for electronic documents, as shown in the following examples:
SURNAME, Initial/s. (year). Title. Edition. Place: Publisher. Length and material details. (Collection; vol.).
CASTELLS, M. (2000). La era de la información. La sociedad red. 2nd. ed. Madrid: Alianza, 1997. Vol. 1.
SHANE, P.M. (ed.) (2004). Democracy online: The prospects for political renewal through the Internet. New York: Routledge.
SURNAME, Initial/s. (year). "Title of the part of the book". In: Bibliographic data on the complete work, location of the part of the book.
If the author or editor of the book is also the author of the part of the book cited:
KOLLOCK, P. (2003). "Regalos y bienes públicos en el ciberespacio". In: M. SMITH, P. KOLLOCK (ed.). Comunidades en el ciberespacio. 1st ed. Barcelona: Editorial UOC. pp. 259-282.
If the author or editor of the book is not the author of the part of the book cited:
BAYM, N.K. "The Emergence of On-line Community". In: S.G. Jones (ed.). Cybersociety 2.0. Revisting Computer Mediated Commmunications and Community. SAGE Publications.
Title: subtitle (year). Vol. Iss. Place: Publisher. Frequency.
Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC). Vol. 2. Iss. 1. UOC. Biannual
SURNAME, Initial/s. (year). "Title of the article". Title of the journal or manual. Vol., iss., page start-page end.
COLL, C. (2004). "Psicología de la educación y prácticas educativas mediadas por las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Una mirada constructivista". Sinéctica. Iss. 25, separata, pp. 1-24.
SURNAME, Initial/s. (year). Title of the work [content unit + type of media]. Publisher. [Date of consultation: (day)/(month)/(year)].
TRÉNEL, M. (2004). Measuring the quality of online deliberation. Coding scheme 2.4 [online]. Berlin: Social Science Research Center. [Date of consultation: 06/06/05].