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R&D, innovation and public policy: towards a new economic policy for innovation

Maria Callejón

Director general of Policy for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Ministry of Industry


This article offers a brief look at the position of Spanish businesses in an international context with regards to R&D and innovation, as well as at the design of economic policies aimed at promoting research and innovation. It also examines the problem involved in differentiating between R&D and innovation, and in establishing the typologies. In this context, the efforts made by the OECD to define and build indicators for R&D and innovation to aid international comparisons are commented on. As a whole, the text offers a fairly complete summary of the current state of R&D and innovation with regard to businesses in Spain.


business, development, economic policy, innovation, public policy, research

Submission date:  December 2006
Published in:  March 2007

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AUTHOR = "Maria Callej\'on",
TITLE = "R+D, innovaci\'o i pol\'{\i}tica p\'ublica: cap a una nova pol\'{\i}tica econ\`omica d'innovaci\'o",
JOURNAL = "UOC Papers",
YEAR = "2007",
number = "4",
note = "Article en l\'{\i}nia",
issn = "",
url = ""

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