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Monograph "Health Interventions on the Internet"

Teletreatment for tobacco addiction

Antoni Baena (

Coordinator of the "Breathe without Smoke" Programme

Tobacco Addiction Research Institute and Tobacco Addiction Unit (Bellvitge Hospital)

Carlos Obando

Rebeca Monterde

Taida Costa

Rocío López


Internet offers possibilities and prospects for new scenarios for psychology in general and its remote therapeutic application in particular. We look at how the new information and communication technologies can contribute to, by complementing, people's relations. The treatment of tobacco addiction can benefit from this new media, not just by bringing patient and therapist closer together, but also by guaranteeing confidentiality and anonymity.

These new situations are accompanied by new aspects that need to be resolved as advances in the techniques are made. The patient/user should have complete guarantees of privacy. This new form of relation is defined as teletreatment, which should not be incompatible with classical treatments.

The main aim for the proper use of the Internet in therapeutic practice should be to aid relations and improve, as far as possible, patients' quality of life, shaping, as in the case of tobacco addiction, their habits and behaviour.


Internet, communication, deontology, psychology, teletreatment, tobacco addiction

Submission date:  December 2006
Published in:  March 2007

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AUTHOR = "Antoni Baena and Carlos Obando and Rebeca Monterde and Taida Costa and Roc\'{\i}o L\'opez",
TITLE = "Teletratamiento del tabaquismo",
JOURNAL = "UOC Papers",
YEAR = "2007",
number = "4",
note = "Art\'{\i}culo en l\'{\i}nea",
issn = "",
url = ""

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