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Map from PIC: E-Governance and Citizen Information: The Generalitat of Catalonia in the International Context
PIC: E-Governance and Citizen Information: The Generalitat of Catalonia in the International Context


E-Governance and Citizen Information: The Generalitat of Catalonia in the International Context

This study’s main aim is to analyse the changes taking place as a result of the incorporation of technological innovations involving ICT in the public administration’s processes to attend the public. The changes that have been analysed are linked to three aspects that we deem basic. Firstly, we have focused on the changes produced in terms of the way the public (as the main, though not the only, users) and the administration relate with each other. Secondly, we have analysed the transformations seen in the internal operation and organisation of the administration itself with respect to the changes in the channels for communication with users. Lastly, we have looked at the transformations in the way in which change and innovation are managed (design, planning, organisation and development), paying special attention to the roles of the different players (and not just the administration) involved. The research is based on a wide-ranging empirical study of the Catalan government, the Generalitat de Catalunya, and a comparative international study of Quebec, Emilia-Romagna and Scotland.

Research team
Dr Eduard Aibar, lecturer of Humanities Studies at the UOC and director of the research project
Ferran Urgell, researcher at the IN3
Yanina Welp, researcher at the IN3

With the support of:
Department of the Presidency and Department of Universities, Research and Information Society of the Generalitat de Catalunya

logo of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia

In collaboration with:
Citizen Relationship Unit (Generalitat de Catalunya)

Research started in:
May, 2004

Research report finalized in:
July, 2006

Published in:
November, 2006