1966     BA in Architecture, University of Cambridge, England

1968     Architectural Diploma, University of Cambridge, England

1971     Master of City Planning, U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.

1971     Master of Science in Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1973     MA, University of Cambridge

1982     Ph.D., Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, Department of Social and Economic Studies

1983     Diploma of Imperial College, University of London  



1971-72            General Manager, Ideal Building Corporation (Europe), European House building subsidiary of Trafalgar House Investment Ltd.
1972-75            Founding partner of the Boisot Waters Cohen Partnership, an architectural and planning firm based in London.
1975-78            Consulting activities for Petrus Management Services Ltd. on project appraisal and architectural design in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt, France.
1979-81            Research Associate, the Euro-Asia Centre, INSEAD
1981     Visiting Professor, Institute for International Studies and Training, Fujinomiya, Japan
1981-86            Associate Professor, Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris (part-time between 1984 and 1986), teaching International Business, Business Policy, and Organisational Theory.
1981-86            Visiting Professor, University of Paris-Dauphine, teaching two doctoralseminars per year.
1982     Visiting Professor, College of Business Administration, University of Hawaii.
1984-88            Director and Dean, CHINA-EEC Management Programme (CEMP). This is a five-year programme (the first in the PRC) financed by the EEC and run in the Training Centre for Economic Cadres of the State Economic Commission in Beijing, China. The programme was conceived, negotiated and set up by Max Boisot on behalf of the EEC Commission between 1981 and 1984 when he was aksed to take over its overall direction in Beijing. The Programme has since evolved into the China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS), located in Shanghai
1989     Director of Executive Programmes - China-EEC Management Institute Beijing - resigned June 1989.
1989-90            Senior Research Fellow, Ashridge Management Research Group,Ashridge Management College, UK.
1989-90            Visiting Professor - Aston Business School, Aston University, UK
1989-90            Visiting Professor - ESADE, Barcelona, Spain
1989-90            Visiting Professor - University of Hong Kong Business School, Hong Kong
1991     Professor - ESADE, Barcelona, Spain (Current Position)
1991     Visitor - The Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge
1992     Senior Associate - The Judge Institute of Management Studies University of Cambridge
1993     Citicorp Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University Business School, Hong Kong University
1993     Visiting Fellow, The Management School, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London University
1994-1995        Team Leader: Design and Implementation of a Euro-Arab Management School for the European Union in the City of Granada, Spain
1995     Academic Coordinator. Master of Management Development Programme. The Euro-Arab Management School, Granada, Spain
1996     Poh Seng Yeoh Research Fellow at the Sol Snider Entrepreneurial Center, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
1998     Associate and Academic Advisor, The Chinese Management Centre, Hong Kong University

Max Boisot has acted as consultant to the World Bank in China and Vietnam, to the UNDP in Albania, to the EC Commission in South East Asia, to the European Foundation for Management Development in Eastern Europe, the C.I.S., in the Middle East, and to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Irak. He has also acted as a consultant and external lecturer for Major European firms such as British Petroleum, Thomson CFS, Saint-Gobain,Valeo, Union des Banques Suisse, The Trustees Savings Bank, Olivetti and Courtaulds.



Member of Steering Committee Euro-China Association for Management (1984-1988)
Council member. Association for Management Education and Development (1989-1995)
Member of the Advisory Board, International Programmes Unit, European Foundation for Management Development
Member of the Editorial Board of Organization Studies
Member of the Strategic Management Society
European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy
Member of the European Group for organization Studies (EGOS)


1987     Information and Organization: The Manager as Anthropologist. London: Collins 1993         (Editor) East-West Collaboration: the Challenge of Governance in Post-Socialist Enterprises, London: Routledge
1995     Information Space: A Framework for Learning in Organizations Institutions and Cultures, London: Routledge
1998     Knowledge Assets: Securing Competitive Advantage in the Information Economy, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Articles and Contributions to Books
1982     "Strategic Management", Cahier Enseignement et Gestion 22, nouvelle serie, Summer.
1982     "The Codification and Diffusion of Knowledge in the Transactional Strategy of Firms", Keio Economic Studies Vol. XIX nº 1.
1982     "The Shaping of Technological Strategy: European Chemical Firms in South-East Asia", Management International Review, Vol. 2, Nº 3.
1983     "Convergence Revisited: The Codification and Diffusion of Knowledge in a British and Japanese Firm", Journal of Management Studies, Vol.20, Nº 2.
1983     "Intangible Fctors in Japanese Corporate Strategy" Atlantic Paper Nº 50, Atlantic Institute for International Affairs.
1986     "Markets and Hierarchies in Cultural Perspective", Organisation Studies, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 135-158
1986     "Industrial Policy and Industrial Culture: The Case of European Petro-chemical Industry", in K. Macharzina and W.H. Stachle (eds.) European Approches to International Management. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
1986     "Action Learning with Chinese Characteristics: The China-EEC Management Programme", Management Education and Development, Vol. 17, Pt. 2
1986     "Managing with Chinese Characteristics: Socialist Enterprise in a Period of Reform", European Management Journal, Vol. 4, Nº 3, Autumn.
1987     "Management Training in the PRC: The Task Ahead", Euro-Asia Business Review, Vol. 6, Nº 2.
1987     "Industrial Feudalism and Enterprise Reform: Could China use some more bureaucracy?", In M. Warner (ed.) China's Management Reform.London: Frances Pinter
1987     (with M. Fiol) "Chinese Boxes and Learning Cubes: Action Learning in a Cross-Cultural Context", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 6, Nº 2.
1987     "Managing Development in a Turbulent Environment - the Chinese Experience", Issues, Vol. 3, Nº 3.
1987     "The Distribution Joint Venture: a New Concept for the China Market", China Industrial Economics Research, Nº 4, July
1988     (with John Child) "The Iron Law of Fiefs: Bureacratic Failure and the Problem of Governance in the Chinese Economic Reforms" in Administrative Science Quarterly. 33, 507-27.
1989     "The Long March Towards Bureacratic Rationality: Current issues in the Chinese Systems Reforms", The Pacific Review, Spring.
1990     "Territorial Strategies in a competitive world: The emerging challenge to regional authorities" European Management Journal, volume 8, Nº 3 September.
1990     (with John Child) "Efficiency, ideology, and tradition in the choice of transactions governance structures. The case of China as a modernizing society" in S. Clegg and G. Redding (EDS) Capitalism in contrasting cultures, New York: De Gruyter and Co.
1992     (with Guo Liang Xing) "The nature of managerial work in the Chinese enterprise reforms a Study of Six Directors", Organization Studies, 13, issue 2, Spring, pp. 161-184
1992     "Schumpeterian Learning Versus Neoclassical Learning: Development options for Post Communist Societies" in Birley, S., and I.C. Macmillan (Eds.) International Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Research, Amsterdam: North-Holland.
1992     "Sportis: Challenge and Response in Post-Communist Poland" in J. Hendry and T. Eccles (Eds.) European Cases in Strategic Management, London: Chapman and Hall.
1993     "The revolution from outside: Spanish management and the challenge of modernization" in D. Hickson (ED.) Management in Western Europe: Society, Culture and Organization in Twelve Nations, New York: De Gruyter.
1993     "Is a Diamond a Region's Best Friend? Towards an Analysis of Interregional Competition" in J. Child, M. Crozier, R. Mayntz (Eds.) Societal Change Between Market and Organization, Aldershot: Avebury.
1993     "The Lessons from China" in Max Boisot (Ed) East-West Business Collaboration : The Challenge of Governance in Post-Socialist Enterprises, London: Routledge
1993     With Manuel Vallejo, "Tianjin Nutrexpa Food Company" in Max Boisot (Ed)East-West Collaboration: the Challenge of Governance in Post-Socialist Enterprises, London: Routledge
1994     "Information, Economics, and Evolution: What Scope for a Menage a Trois? World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, Vol. 41 pp. 227-256
1994     "Learning as Creative Destruction: The Challenge for Eastern Europe" in R. Boot, J. Lawrence, J. Morris (Eds.) Managing the Unknown by Creating New Futures, London: McGraw-Hill
1995     "Preparing for Turbulence: The Changing Relationship between Strategy and Management Development in the Learning Organization" in B. Garratt (Ed.)Developing Strategic Thought, London: McGraw-Hill
1995     "Is your firm a Creative Destroyer? Competitive learning and Knowledge Flows in the Technological Strategies of Firms", Research Policy Vol, 24, Nº 4, pp. 489-506
1996     With J. Child, "The Institutional Nature of China's Emerging Economic Order", in D.H. Brown and R. Porter (Eds) Management Issues in China: Domestic Enterprises, London: Routledge, pp. 35-58
1996     With T. Lemmon, D. Griffiths and V. Mole, "Spinning a Good Yarn: the Identification of Core Competences at Courtaulds", International Journal of Technology Management, Volume II, Nº 3/4, pp. 425-440
1996     With J. Child, "From Fiefs to Clans: Explaining China's Emergent Economic Order", Administrative Science Quarterly, Volume 41, pp. 600-628
1996     "Institutionalizing the Labour Theory of Value: Some Obstacles to the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises in China and Vietnam", Organization Studies, 17/6, pp. 909-928
1997     With Dorothy Griffiths and Veronica Mole, "The Dilema of Competence: Differentiation versus Integration in the Pursuit of Learning" in R. Sanchez and A. Heene, (Eds) Strategic Learning and Knowledge Management, Chichester, Sussex: John Wiley and Son
1998     With Dorothy Griffiths and Veronica Mole, ¨'Strategies for managing knowledge assets: a tale of two companies'.Techovation, 18 (8/9), 1998, pp.529-539
1999     With Benita Cox, The I-Space: a Framework for analyzing the evolution of social computing. To be published in Technovation.
1999     With John Child, Organizations aas adaptative Systems in Complex Environments: The Case of China, Organization Science, fothcoming



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